I wanted to make a splash effect for where the stream of water touched the pool beneath it, but wasn't sure which method to choose. I looked at several different methods: flipbook animations, sculpting a spash mesh in houdini and finally decided on going with bold droplet particle effects being dispersed in several different directions.

For the material itself I kept it simple, leaving most of the work up to the emitter itself.

I adjusted the size to be varied, decreasing over time, as well as velocity and constant acceleration to give the effect of being shot up into the air and then dragged back down by gravity. I also changed the initial location so that they weren't all spawning from the same spot, then added a kill height so that they wouldn't exist lower than the water plane. I adjusted the max draw count to 10 so that there wasn't too much overcrowding too.

I made the droplets solid in colour so that I could introduce the inspiration I gor from RiME into the scene more, as I wanted the water translucency and detail of the kind of water seen in Sea of Thieves, with the whimsical and bold effects seen in RiME water, such as the white foam.
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