Saturday, November 23, 2019

Foliage VFX: Week 1 Friday

On Friday I finished sculpting the tree and decimated it to be retopped in 3ds max. I primarily used the clay tubes brush to build up the layers of the tree in a fashion that left a grain, trying to follow the form displayed in the concept. I loosely followed the tips displayed in this post: using the orb cracks brush in some areas to emphasise the gaps. For extra reference, I used some disney tree images like chip n dale's treehouse:
To keep things neat, I kept everything on separate layers, then projected a higher poly version onto a zremesh-ed version to keep the details, while maintaining a tri count that would allow the tree to be exported to 3ds max.
During this, I specifically learnt how to polypaint so that I could keep the thin areas of the branches higher poly than the rest of the sculpt when zremeshing, to avoid the issue of losing geometry to smoothing.

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