Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Helmeted Character: Week 3 Wednesday

On Wednesday I combined each piece of the model together and made adjustments so that everything would fit together, and also made the plug for the back of the helmet and the straps:

The straps were made with the IMM Strap tool for the straps themselves and then the IMM Gun tool with the F 07 part at the top of the arm strap, which was smoothed and then adjusted with the move tool, then duplicated and placed again at the bottom of the strap.

The plug was modelled in 3ds max, then imported into zbrush to detail further with damstandard for the small ridges, with the wire created using the shoelace IMM Curve tool, which had the ends chopped off with the trim tool and then was moved further into place with the move and move elastic tools.

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