Thursday, November 28, 2019

Foliage VFX: Week 2 Wednesday

On Wednesday I unwrapped anything that hadn't already been unwrapped (in which my reference copies of the lowpoly plants came in handy) as well as the tree, keeping an eye on my texture budget and assigning maps accordingly. I mapped out a plan to use the following maps: 512 alphas, 256 mushrooms, 1024 tree + vines, 512 opaque plants, 512 tileable texture 1 and 512 tileable texture 2. This ate into my budget for additional maps a little bit, but I had accounted for that earlier by sacrificing some normal maps.

I tried to avoid leaving much unused texture space as I wasn't intending on modelling anything else after this.
I exported the tree, lantern and vine into marmoset to bake normal maps without them printing onto each other, then placed them into substance painter ready for texturing:

I baked the lantern at a slightly higher resolution than the tree as I wanted it to be a bigger focus, but then resized it after texturing so that it would fit on the tree branches properly.

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