Thursday, November 14, 2019

Helmeted Character: Week 4 Friday

On Friday I exported the rigged mesh into marmoset and applied the textures for the final render scene. I added lighting for the main lighting, side lighting, a blue light from the sky, a reflective light from the ground and a rim light from the back, as well as fog and a shadow catcher:

I messed around with different scene colours, in which I came to a final 2 that I was pleased with, brown and blue:

In the end, I decided on the blue, as it had more hue contrast and made the character pop more. After this, I went back to the textures and added some more edgewear and dirt, especially to the helmet and jacket, then started testing out the camera lens options, going between 35mm, 50mm and 85mm lenses to see which one gave the best effect:

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