Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Helmeted Character: Week 3 Tuesday

On Tuesday I continued modelling the jacket:

Once again, I used dam standard and pinch to create sharper, more detailed folds. I realised that the zipper area had been extended on the concept and so masked off that area in new layer, inverting it, gradient-ing it, moving it and then smoothing out any imperfections. I masked out the shape of a pocket, then used the layer tool to build up a chunk. I smoothed it out, polished and pinched the edges, then applied another masked layer build up for the flap on the top of the pocket. In another layer I created some subtle folds with damstandard again.

After all of this detailing was done, I used the IMM ZipperP tool to create the zips for the jacket opening, the side pockets and the arm pocket. I shat I could edit them to be moothed them down a little and extracted the side pocket zips so that I could edit them into the shape seen in the concept, by trim rect-ing the shape to be shorter. I also used the move and move elastic tool to place them all more accurately against the surface of the jacket.

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